Running... Again?

  If you know me you know there was a time about 10 years ago or so where I was running. A lot. At least 5 days a week and at least 5 miles a run. I wasn’t training, I wasn’t preparing for a race or a marathon. I just found myself enjoying the time spent running. I wasn’t obsessed with numbers, but I kept track of them all and liked seeing improvements in time and distances. It was good physical health and mental health. Then I tweaked my knee. Not bad enough that I couldn’t walk on it, just a tweak that told me I needed to back off of running for a little bit. So I decided on 2 weeks. At the end of 2 weeks I aborted a run very early as the pain was still there. 2 weeks became 3, became a month, became 5 years. 

Better in Black & White?

Digital photography is cool. There is little argument about that, and those that argue it are probably the same who argue that LP sound quality surpasses CD. But for the everyday shooter to the amateur photographer, digital photography has far too many benefits going for it than any perceived negative ones and has opened photography up as a hobby that nearly anyone can try out.

One of these advantages is the ability to experiment with different types of photography. Used to be if you wanted to shoot in black and white you had to get specialized film to switch in and out of your camera. But what if you wanted to take a shot in both color and black and white? I foolishly thought with the digital camera the answer was to change the setting to black and white after snapping the color shot. This is good to get a general sense of what the shot would look like in b&w, but there are many other options when converting a color shot into a b&w shot. So below is the color shot captured by the camera, then that same shot converted to b&w with some post processing editing. Both are decent enough looking shots, but I'm liking the black and white one a little more.

Click the photo to see a larger version of it.


  1. Advantage rather depends upon the subject, yes?

  2. Yes, overall I agree it typically depends on the subject. But this post is more specific to this photo.


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